Visit Valencia signs on to the Glasgow Declaration for climate action in tourism
| 11.11.2021 | 16:38
The city reaffirms its commitment to sustainability
Sustainability is one of the pillars of the city of Valencia’s tourism strategy. As a result, the Visit València Foundation had no doubts about signing on to the Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism, presented as part of the COP26 Climate Change Conference last November. This document sets out the commitment of governments, destinations and companies in the tourist industry to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 and reach Net Zero emissions as soon as possible before 2050.
The Glasgow Declaration acknowledges the climate emergency and the need for a consistent response from the tourism industry, recommending five key pathways to follow. With this declaration, the tourism industry aligns itself with the global commitment to reduce emissions of environmentally harmful gases and limit global warming to a rise of no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100.
As a signatory, Visit València is committed to supporting this global effort to combat climate change and to implementing an action plan within twelve months, following the recommended pathways:
- Measuring the carbon footprint of tourist activity, an area in which Valencia was a pioneer.
- Decarbonising tourism, reducing and offsetting emissions from transport, accommodation, infrastructure, food & drink and other tourist activities.
- Regenerating and protecting ecosystems to safeguard biodiversity and ensure a safe food and water supply.
- Collaborating with all stakeholders in the industry, both public and private, sharing solutions and coordinating actions as much as possible.
- Financing training and research programmes, among other things, to ensure resources and capacity are sufficient to meet the objectives set out.
Implementation of this climate action plan entails continuing and accelerating initiatives already being carried out in Valencia to minimise the environmental impact of tourism. This also includes the programme of activities planned for Valencia’s year as the 2022 European Capital of Smart Tourism, which will spotlight the city on the global stage and help promote the practice of more responsible tourism.
Visit València will present an annual report with the outcomes of all actions undertaken. It is also committed to disseminating information and sharing best practices with other tourism industry stakeholders, encouraging more firms to sign on to the Glasgow Declaration as a pathway to action on the climate challenge.