The Song of the Sibyl at the Cathedral of Valencia

Categories: parties and traditions, Christmas.

TOURISTIC AREA: Historical center

The Song of the Sibyl, as a prelude to Christmas, is performed each year at the Cathedral of Valencia. It is a paraliturgical drama which, until the 16th century, was performed on Christmas Eve in cathedrals all over the country. It is one of the most significant representations of the birth of Christ introduced by James I of Aragon after the conquest of Valencia.

The performance will be held on  18th December at 7:30 p.m. and will include the group Capella de Ministrers who will play replica instruments of the angels in the frescos in the high altar. Several choirs and students from the Higher School of Dramatic Arts will also participate.

The concert precedes the traditional Toc a Matines by the Bell-ringers Association of Valencia. 


  • Event dates
  • From:


  • To:


  • Schedule info

    07.30 pm

  • Price


Make sure you arrive early as it gets very busy, but it will be worth it!

How to arrive

  • Bus: 4, 8, 9, 11, 16, 28, 70, 71.
16 Sun
Navidad en València
Christmas in Valencia
Catedral de València
Cathedral, Miguelete and Holy Grail

Christmas Agenda