New Sorolla Room in Valencia's Museum of Fine Arts
| 24.07.2023 | 10:28
In the year that marks the centenary of the Valencian painter's death
The Valencia Museum of Fine Arts (MuBAV) now has a new permanent room dedicated to Sorolla, the undisputed master of Valencian luminism. The room, located in the cloistral building of the Museum, contains only the artist's works, forty-six to be precise, the largest number of works by Sorolla that has so far been exhibited in the Museum's permanent collection.
The new Sorolla Room lets you take in all the genres the painter worked in, from landscapes to nudes, portraits and religious paintings, and makes it possible to tour the master's career, from his first still life, painted as a teenager, to portraits from his later years. Among the works on display is ‘I am the bread of life’, his largest religious-themed painting (417 x 528.2 cm).
The museum preserves a further eight works in storage that due their special paper format, cannot be exhibited permanently, as well as others that are being restored or have been loaned temporarily for exhibitions, such as ‘The grandparents of my children’, a work painted by Sorolla in 1905 and which is currently on display as part of the ‘Sorolla in black’ exhibit at the Bancaja Foundation.
Visitors to the museum, in addition to enjoying the new Sorolla Room, can also see the temporary exhibit of the 'Masaveu Collection. Sorolla’, which will remain open until October.