Sixth anniversary of the #FallasUNESCO declaration

Categories: urban festival.

TOURISTIC AREA: Historical center

Valencia celebrates the Fallas' six-year-long World Heritage status with music and fire

The celebration of the sixth anniversary of UNESCO's declaration of the Fallas as an Intangible Cultural Heritage is approaching. Quite an accomplishment! Which is why the world of Fallas is celebrating in style.

The 26th and 27th will be just the beginning of a celebration that will last, like a good cracker wall , until November 30th.

Mr. Pyrotechnician, you may begin the mascletà!



At 6 p.m., Cabalgata del Patrimonio. 

Spectacular parade to the "Gegants i Cabuts" of the City of Valencia with the Colla de Junta Central Fallera, the Muixeranga Vella of Algemesí, the Horses of the Wine of Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) and the I Séquito Fúnebre de los Amantes de Teruel. 

8:30 p.m., Open dance at the gates of the Lonja, another World Heritage jewel, with music from the Colla de Tabal i Dolçaina de Junta Central Fallera. 

There's no excuse not to take part in this dancing celebration. Everyone is invited. Do you love dancing? Want to have fun? This is your chance! 



At 2 p.m., mascletà in the Ciudad del Artista Fallero.

Throughout the weekend, the falla museums of Valencia, Cullera and Alzira, and the Artista Fallero museums of Valencia and Gandia will be open.



At 10 p.m., institutional toast at the gates of the Valencia city hall. Cant d'Estil and Colla de Tabal i Dolçaina of the Junta Central Fallera will provide the music, and a fireworks castle will add color to this celebration.

Choose your favorite! 


  • Event dates
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  • Schedule info

    All day

How to arrive

  • Underground: L2, L5.
  • Bus: 6, 27, 60, 62, 71.
12 Wed