The top tourist attractions in València
The top 10 tourist attractions in València are a must-see on any València sightseeing trip
Check out our travel guide with the most popular tourist and leisure activities in València.
Discover our guide with the main tourist attractions of the city with places you should have visited in València. We recommend booking tickets online in advance to avoid queues. If you also want to save money, we recommend the València Tourist Card. The tickets are valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours and include unlimited bus, metro, tram and airport transfers.
This includes free admission to the city's major museums and monuments, as well as discounts of up to 50% on tickets to major attractions, restaurants, shops, spas and more.
The València Tourist Card also includes a city map, a guide with discounts and two free tapas and wine tastings.
The card will be very useful for you and you will be able to move around as you wish!


València Turistic Bus

City of Arts and Sciences

San Nicolás Church entrance

Guided visits to the historic center

Boat trip and paella in l'Albufera

Guided bike tour

Guided Visit to the Palau de les Arts