Pilota is a traditional handball sport, which dates back to the times of the Greeks and the Romans. It holds a special place in the history and culture of the city. So much so, that by the middle of the fifteenth century, there were already up to thirteen trinquets (the closed court where matches are played) documented across the city. It’s not to be confused with Basque pelota. While the other is played against a wall, in this case two teams face each other, hitting the ball back and forth with their bare hands.

Though the sport is known to have been played in the middle of the street, the trinquet is considered to be of great social value, with many of them scattered across the region. One of the most emblematic is the Pelayo trinquet, situated on the street of the same name in the centre of Valencia, where the most high profile escala i corda matches have taken place, in addition to the finals of the Circuit Bancaixa and Zurdo de Gandia. This site is also used for a range of cultural events, from art exhibitions to fashion shows, and it even has its own restaurant. Another of the most famous is the Trinquet Politècnic, known as El Genovés.