Wikipaella Asociación Valenciana

Nowadays Paella has become an attractive global brand that is often misunderstood. Wikipaella is the organised citizen response to this imbalance between what it is believed to be and what it really is. A source of knowledge and recognition around authentic Paellas, made by everyone. Wikipaella is a non-profit association for cultural dissemination, made up of people from all walks of life and public and private organisations. It is a tool to define, promote and defend the classic rice dishes of the Valencian Community, inside and outside our borders. This initiative, unique in its kind, seeks to disseminate a fundamental part of Spain's cultural heritage. In particular, Wikipaella specialises in the development of educational and informative actions in the area of catering and gastronomy. And it distinguishes the hoteliers who respect the gastronomic tradition of the Valencian Community in the world.