Hotel Primus València
Menorca, 22 46023 Valencia

TOURISTIC AREA: City of Arts and Alameda
Located on a flat street with no obstacles and regular, even paving.
Guide dogs allowed.
Car park:
There are information panels with pictograms or short texts.
Main access via an all-glass revolving door. There is an alternative entrance through the garden via an automatic glass door.
Reception desk 112 cm high with no induction loop.
Indoor mobility:
There are information panels with pictograms or short texts.
Communal toilets:
With visual aide to indicate free or occupied. With a gap underneath the cubicle door.
Two panoramic lifts connect the Ground Floor with the Eighth Floor. With direction indicator on the outside and no visual information inside.
Internet connection available. There is written information on the hotel services. TV with teletext. The telephone allows communication with the reception desk. Plug next to the bed. No peephole in the door. The toilet door does not allow communication with the outside.
Meeting room:
Information screens on the door of each room providing information on which activity is taking place inside.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
Variable number of round tables.
Car park:
There are four parking spaces reserved for hotel customers in the hotel carpark located on the Basement floor. All more than 220x440 cm, with horizontal but not vertical signage. Lift gives access to the carpark, door with 90 cm clear width and 137x108 cm cab. Height of call buttons, 107 cm; height of cab buttons, 125 cm; and height of handrail, 100 cm. With contrasted buttons, no Braille characters and embossed. Not equipped with audio signals to indicate floor landing and direction of movement.
Main entrance with no changes in level. Access via a revolving door, with speed reduction button, with 120 cm clear width. There is an alternative entrance through the garden via an automatic door with 180 cm clear width.
Located on Ground Floor, with no changes in level. Adapted counter 77 cm high, with a clear space underneath 74 cm high and 30 cm deep.
Indoor mobility:
Building with eight floors connected by a stair and a lift. Route with no change in level on each floor. Corridors more than 120 cm wide. Smooth, slip-resistant floor surface. Doors with a minimum 90 cm clear width.
Toilets in communal areas:
Accessible unisex toilets located on Ground, Mezzanine and Basement Floors. The Basement has a baby changing table. Signage on door with standardised symbol. Slip-resistant floor surface. General toilet door with 80 cm clear width and no spring hinge. Adapted toilet door with 106 cm clear width and no spring hinge. With easy to handle lock. In case of emergency, the lock can be opened from the outside. Turning circle inside the toilet is 150 cm in diameter. Washbasin 82 cm high, no pedestal, with a clear space underneath 69 cm high and 50 cm deep. It cannot be reached from the toilet. Upright mirror; height of lower edge, 91 cm. Approach to the toilet, 100 cm wide on the left side, 28 cm on the right side and 150 cm in front. Toilet seat height, 38 cm. Foldable grab bar on the left at height of 53-69 cm and fixed grab bar on the right at 70 cm. Distance between grab bars, 75 cm. No alarm system inside the toilet. Light system with no timer.
Three identical accessible panoramic lifts that connect the Ground Floor with the Eighth Floor. With 90 cm clear door width and a 157x127 cm cab. Interior call button height, 92-126 cm and handrail height, 82-90 cm.
A main stair connects the Ground Floor with the Eighth Floor. Each floor has three sections with a maximum of seven even steps with 17 cm riser height and 30 cm tread depth. Single handrail on one side of staircase, at a height of 114 cm. The Ground and Basement floors are connected via a staircase divided into two sections with a maximum of 20 steps each, with 17 cm riser height and 28 cm tread depth. Handrails on both sides of stairs, at a height of 116 cm. Between the Ground and Basement floors there is a staircase with 17 steps with the same characteristics.
Adapted room:
Located on an accessible floor. Barrier free space to approach the bed, 117 cm on the right side and 59 cm on the left side. Bed 62 cm high with access to control mechanisms on one side. Height of light and environmental controls, 159 cm. Table 75-71 cm high. Adapted room connects to the Junior Suite Hotel.
En-suite toilet:
Door with C-type handle, opening inward, with 76 cm clear width and no spring hinge. Easy to open lock. Washbasin 90 cm high, no front panel, 69 cm deep and clear space underneath, and can be reached from the toilet. Upright mirror; height of lower edge, 109 cm. Approach to the toilet, 79 cm wide on the left side, 20 cm on the right side and 150 cm in front. Grab bars on both sides. Foldable grab bar on the left side, 63-79 cm, and fixed grab bar on the right, 75 cm. Front grab bar 58-76 cm. Slip-resistant shower floor, not level with the rest of the facility. Seat fixed to the wall, with back, 39 cm wide and 34 cm depth. Grab bars, placed 93 cm from the seat and at a height of 123 cm and front grab bar at 92 cm. Wall-mounted accessible rotating tap, at a height of 107 cm. No alarm system inside the cubicle.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
Located on an accessible ground floor. Door with a minimum 150 cm double clear width. Permanently open. One-leg tables, 75.5 cm high. Height of lower edge, 73 cm; 70 cm width and 19 cm depth. At least 120 cm clear width between tables. Height of self-service counter, 97-106 cm. Food and items placed at a height of 72 cm to 106 cm. A variable number of round tables is available and tableware is placed on interior bars.
Meeting room:
Located on an accessible floor. Door with 150 cm clear width. Mobile tables, 73 cm high. With a clear space underneath 71 cm high and 37 cm deep. Light with intensity regulator.
Revolving glass door at main entrance, with no contrasted signage, with speed reduction button. Fixed doormat in front of the door. There is an alternative entrance through the garden via an automatic glass door with no contrasted signage.
Route with no changes in level and uniform lighting. Counter height, 112 cm, with direct lighting.
Indoor mobility:
Route free of obstacles on each floor. Information labels with contrasted, embossed pictograms. Smooth, slip-resistant floor surface, with no bumps. There are glass doors with no contrasted signage. Uniform lighting.
Communal toilets:
Men's and women's toilets marked with standardised tactile pictograms, contrasting colours and at a height of 156 cm. Toilet door contrasts with the wall. Uniform lighting with no timer. Slip-resistant floor surface. No unmarked barriers and projecting elements.
Three identical accessible lifts that connect the Basement Floor with the Eighth Floor. With embossed buttons, non-contrasted and with no Braille signage. Uniform lighting. Not equipped with audio signals to indicate floor landing and direction of movement. Equipped with an audio alarm and intercom.
A main stair connects the Ground Floor with the Eighth Floor. Each floor has three sections with a maximum of seven even steps with 17 cm riser height and 30 cm tread depth. Single handrail on one side of staircase, at a height of 114 cm. Steps with no nosing, no edge protection, and no visual signage on any step. The Ground and Basement floors are connected via a staircase divided into two sections with a maximum of 20 steps each, with 17 cm riser height and 28 cm tread depth. Handrail height, 116 cm. There is no visual signage on any step. Lighting is not uniform. Between the Ground and Basement floors there is a staircase with 17 steps with the same characteristics as the previous one. The steps with no visual-tactile strips at the top and bottom of the staircase. There are no contrasting strips on each step. A lift provides an alternative route. Slip-resistant, smooth floor surface. Uniform lighting.
Light contrast between the door and the wall. Carpeted even floor. The furniture does not hinder circulation. Not projecting elements. Uniform lighting. Toilet door contrasts with the wall. Uniform lighting in toilet cubicle. Illuminated signs on the door. Signs with light at a height of 157 cm. Pilot light indicating whether the room is free or occupied.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
Barrier free route. Smooth, slip-resistant floor surface, with no bumps. Uniform lighting.
Meeting room:
Barrier free route. Slip-resistant, smooth floor surface, with no bumps. The lighting is not uniform.