Hospes Palau de la Mar
Navarro Reverter, 14 46004 Valencia

TOURISTIC AREA: Ruzafa and Ensanche
Located on a flat avenue with no obstacles and regular and even paving.
There is contrasted signage with approved pictograms, with information on spaces and routes.
Guide dogs allowed.
Car park:
There are information panels with pictograms or short texts.
All-glass door.
Reception desk 120 cm high with no induction loop.
Indoor mobility:
Written information on the services provided. There are information panels in each room with pictograms or short texts. With illuminated emergency alerts.
Communal toilets:
No visual aide to indicate free or occupied. No gap underneath the cubicle door.
There is a stop button and visual information in the cab but not on the outside of the lift. Visual emergency alert. Solid door.
With Internet connection. There is written information on the hotel's services. Television with teletext. There is an illuminated alarm service. The telephone allows communication with the reception desk. Plug next to the bed. No peephole in the door. The toilet door does not allow communication with the outside.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
No round tables.
Car park:
There are two reserved parking spaces, 300x500 cm, in the hotel's own carpark, with no signage but with an accessible route to the hotel.
Main entrance with no changes in level. Automatic entrance door with 170 cm clear width.
Located on Ground Floor, accessible, with no changes in level. Counter height, 120 cm.
Indoor mobility:
Building with three floors and a basement, communicated by a stair and a lift. No changes in level in the routes on each floor. Corridors more than 120 cm wide with at least 80 cm clear width. Smooth, slip-resistant floor surface.
Toilets in communal areas:
There is an adapted unisex toilet with accessible route. Signage on door with standardised symbol. Slip-resistant floor surface. Sliding toilet door, a C-type handle and 86 cm clear width. There is a space in front of and behind the door of 150 cm or more. Sliding cubicle door opening with C-type handle, with 90 cm clear width. With easy to handle lock. Can be opened from the outside in the event of an emergency. Turning circle inside the cubicle is 150 cm in diameter. Washbasin 78 cm high, with a clear space underneath 68 cm high and 50 cm deep. It cannot be reached from the toilet. Mixer tap. Upright mirror; height of lower edge, 114 cm. Width to approach the toilet, more than 120 cm on the right side and 85 cm in front. Toilet seat height, 36 cm. Fixed grab bar on the left side and foldable grab bar on the right, both at a height of 80 cm. Distance between grab bars, 75 cm. No alarm system inside the cubicle.
Two lifts connect the Basement Floor with the Third Floor. Located on an accessible floor with an accessible route. Main lift, gives access to the carpark, door with 80 cm clear width and 100x120 cm cab. Height of call buttons, 110 cm; height of cab buttons, 110 cm; no handrail.
There is a staircase with twenty steps 16 cm riser height and 30 cm tread depth, that connects the Basement to the Third Floor. There is an alternative route accessible by lift. No handrail. Slip-resistant, smooth floor surface.
Adapted room:
Located on Ground Floor, with an accessible route. Door with 90 cm clear width. Bed 56 cm high, accessible on both sides. With access to light switches. Height of wardrobe shelves and drawers, 30-40 cm. Easy to open pulls.
Adapted en-suite toilet:
Inward-opening door with C-type door handle and 90 cm clear width. No spring hinge. There is a space in front of and behind the door of 150 cm or more. Washbasin 85 cm high, with a clear space underneath 70 cm high and 50 cm deep. It cannot be reached from the toilet. Mixer tap. Upright mirror; height of lower edge, 125 cm. Approach to the toilet, more than 120 cm wide on the right side and 90 cm in front. Height of seat, 40 cm. Folding grab bars on both sides, at a height of 75 cm. Distance between grab bars, 75 cm. Slip-resistant shower floor, level with the rest of the facility. No grab bars. Bathtub with edge 55 cm high and transfer bench. Each room has its own transfer bench. Mixer tap. No alarm system inside the cubicle.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
Located on ground floor, with an accessible route. Door with 90 cm clear width. One-leg tables, 70 cm high. Height of lower edge, 70 cm; 80 cm width and 160 cm depth. At least 120 cm clear width between tables.
Meeting room:
Located on Ground Floor, with an accessible route. Door with 83 cm clear width. Rectangular table height, 75 cm. With a clear space underneath 70 cm high and 90 cm wide.
Located on Ground Floor, with an accessible route. Changing room with door opening inward and with 70 cm clear width. Toilet door and cubicle door with C-type handle opening inward, with 65 cm clear width and no spring hinge. Turning circle inside the cubicle is 150 cm in diameter. Washbasin 91 cm high, 80 cm clear space underneath and 57 cm wide. It cannot be reached from the toilet. Mixer tap. Height of the lower edge of the mirror, 116 cm. Upright. Approach to the toilet, more than 120 cm wide on the right side and 90 cm in front. No grab bars. Height of seat, 40 cm.
swimming pool:
Located on the Ground Floor, with an accessible route. No pool lift. Changing room with door opening outward and with 60 cm clear width. Toilet door and cubicle door with C-type handle opening inward, with 90 cm clear width and no spring hinge. The lock can be opened from the outside in the event of an emergency. Turning circle inside the cubicle is 150 cm in diameter. Washbasin 91 cm high, 80 cm clear space underneath and 57 cm wide. It cannot be reached from the toilet. Mixer tap. Upright mirror; height of lower edge, 126 cm. Width to approach the toilet, more than 120 cm on the right side and 90 cm in front. No grab bars. Height of seat, 40 cm. No alarm system inside the cubicle.
Automatic glass main door with high-contrast visual signage.
Route with no changes in level, barrier free, adequately marked glass doors and smooth, slip-resistant paving. Uniform lighting. Counter height, 120 cm, with direct lighting.
Indoor mobility:
Building with three floors and a basement, communicated by a stair and a lift. Barrier free route. Smooth, slip-resistant floor surface, with bumps. Glass doors with contrasted signage. There are information signs with pictograms, high-contrast and Braille text. Uniform lighting.
Communal toilets:
Men's and women's toilets indicated with standardised non-tactile pictograms in contrasting colours. Toilet door does not contrast with the wall. The lighting is not uniform and has no timer. Slip-resistant floor surface. No unmarked barriers and projecting elements.
Lifts with contrasted buttons, in Braille characters and embossed. Not equipped with audio signals to indicate floor landing and direction of movement. Floor surface in front of the lift door indicated with a tactile-visual strip. Equipped with an audio alarm and intercom.
A main stair with one section of twenty steps that connects the Ground Floor with the First. No visual-tactile signage at the top and bottom of stairs. Alternative route via a lift. Slip-resistant, smooth floor surface. Uniform lighting.
Door contrasts with the wall. Smooth floor surface. The furniture may obstruct circulation. Uniform lighting. Toilet door contrasts with the wall. Uniform lighting in toilet cubicle.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
Barrier free route and smooth floor surface. Menu with large, contrasted print. Braille menu available. Uniform lighting.
Meeting room:
Barrier free route. Slip-resistant, smooth floor surface. Uniform lighting.