Tips for a responsible trip

If you move around, consume and visit in a sustainable way, you are sure to know how to be a responsible tourist who is committed to the environment at all times. During your stay in València, remember these small details that won't demand any effort of you.

  • Use water and energy responsibly. In your accommodation do not waste water, amenities or change towels when it is not necessary.
  • Minimise waste generation. Reduce plastic packaging with reusable bottles and bags.
  • Avoid using paper. Visitvalència offers you online or downloadable editions of all our guides.
  • Recycle. In the city you will find bins and containers that are clearly differentiated with the usual colours. 
  • Whenever you can, get around on foot, by bicycle or public transport.
  • Shop in small businesses, buy local crafts and try the local gastronomy, made with seasonal and local products.
  • Enjoy València's natural resources responsibly.
  • If you happen to see a loggerhead turtle (Carretta caretta) or any other species on our coasts that needs help, the most convenient and effective thing to do is to call 112 to activate the Network for Stranded Animals.
  • Respect the rules and habits of the city and your neighbours’ rest at night.


pareja consultando mapa
Valencia Tourist Guide
Jardines del Turía
Reduce emissions as you get around in Valencia
En bici por arrozales
Practise ecotourism in Valencia