El Corte Inglés - Nuevo Centro
Menéndez Pidal 15, 46009 València

TOURISTIC AREA: Bioparc and Cabecera park
Located in a flat area, next to the Nuevo Centro Shopping Centre. With homogeneous pavement.
Allows access for guide dogs.
The centre has a three wheelchair for use in case of emergency.
There are contrasting signs with approved pictograms, with information about spaces and itineraries.
The car park has three floors, one on the lower level of the building and two on the upper level. Both give access to the Fashion and Home buildings.
There are information panels with pictograms or short texts.
Interior mobility:
El Corte Inglés Nuevo Centro is located in the CC Nuevo Centro. It consists of two interconnected buildings and a third pyramid-shaped building located in the central esplanade of the Shopping Centre.
The Edificio Hogar has five floors, connected by two lifts and stairs. The Edificio Moda has seven floors, connected by three lifts and stairs. The Pirámide has two floors, connected by a lift and stairs.
With written information on the services provided. There are information panels with pictograms or short texts, signposting spaces and itineraries.
Changing rooms:
Doors with a free lower strip and without free/occupied visual signs.
Both buildings have toilets on all floors, except for the ground floor.
With a free/occupied visual system and without a lower free strip on the cabin door.
In the cafeteria on the fifth floor there is a toilet without a gap. Without a free/occupied visual system and with a free lower belt on the car door.
In the Home Building there are two lifts that communicate the basement floors to 3rd
In the Edificio Moda there are three lifts that connect the basement floors to 5th
All have a stop indicator and visual information in the cab and outside.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
There is a cafeteria on the lower level of the Plaza Nuevo Centro and a restaurant/cafeteria on the fifth floor of the Edificio Moda.
Both the cafeteria and the restaurant do not have round tables.
They do not have their own car park, but have access to an external car park. The car park has three floors, one below the building and two above.
In the Edificio Hogar, access from the car park to the basement is via a ramp 7.3 cm long, more than 120 cm wide and an average slope of 3.8%. No handrails, with non-slip flooring.
From the second floor of the car park, access via a ramp 150 cm long, 8% slope and more than 120 cm wide. Without handrails.
In the Moda Building, access from the car park to the basement via a ramp 6 m long, over 120 cm wide and 11% sloping. With handrails on one side at a height of 96 cm.
From the second floor of the car park, access via a ramp 120 cm long and 9% sloping and more than 120 cm wide. Without handrails.
The third floor of the car park communicates with the Fashion and Home buildings by means of a staircase with four steps, 16 cm high and 30 cm in tread, with an alternative route by means of a ramp 4 m long, 150 cm wide and with a 10.7% slope. Both stairs and ramp with 90 cm high handrails. Without lateral protection. Non-slip and homogeneous paving.
Access to the Fashion and Home buildings from the upper and lower levels of the Plaza Nuevo Centro without any unevenness.
Access from Avenida Pio XII with no unevenness. Inside the building, a staircase with four steps 16 cm high and 32 cm tread. With handrails on one side at a height of 88 cm. With alternative route by means of a ramp 100 cm wide, 260 cm long and 20% slope. With lateral protection and handrails on one side.
Access to the Edificio Moda from Calle Menéndez Pidal without any unevenness. In the interior, access to the first floor with a nine-step staircase. Access to the ground floor by means of a staircase with two sections of eleven steps each. Both with steps of 16 cm high and 32 cm tread. With handrails on one side at a height of 97 cm. Non-slip paving.
Access to the Pyramid without any unevenness from the lower level of the Nuevo Centro square. Automatic opening doors with more than 120 cm of free passage width.
Interior mobility:
The Corte Inglés Nuevo Centro is located in the CC Nuevo Centro. It consists of two interconnected buildings and a third pyramid-shaped building, located in the central esplanade of the Shopping Centre.
The Edificio Hogar has five floors, connected by two lifts and stairs. The Edificio Moda has seven floors, connected by three lifts and stairs. The Pirámide has two floors, connected by a lift and stairs.
The two buildings have a Customer Care service, located on the fifth floor in the Edificio Moda and on the third floor in the Edificio Hogar.
Corridors more than 120 cm wide. Doors in corridors at least 90 cm wide.
In each floor, itinerary without unevennesses.
Non-slip, non-slip flooring.
Changing rooms:
Fashionable floors have adapted fitting rooms.
Door opening towards the interior with a passage width of 90 cm. Interior of the cabin of 120x120 cm, with fixed seat and hangers at 170 cm height. With full-length mirror.
Aisles on the outside of the cabs at least 103 cm wide.
There are adapted unisex toilets on all floors of both buildings, except for the ground floor.
Access without unevenness. Entrance space of 100 cm in length.
Door sign with approved symbol. Non-slip flooring
Toilet door opening outwards with knob, with 90 cm free passage width. Without return spring. A circle with a diameter of 117 cm can be inscribed in front of the door.
In case of emergency, the lock allows the opening from the outside. Inside the cabin a circle with a diameter of at least 120 cm can be inscribed.
Height-adjustable wash basin. It is not possible to use it from the toilet. Pressure tap.
Mirror not inclined with edge less than 98 cm from the ground.
Toilet access space of more than 120 cm on the right side, 40 cm on the left side and 95 cm front access.
Toilet seat 40 cm high.
Folding support bars on both sides, placed at 86 cm height. 62 cm separation between bars.
No alarm system inside the cabin.
Lighting without timer.
Nappy changer at 90 cm height.
Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet:
There is a cafeteria on the lower level of the Plaza Nuevo Centro and a restaurant/cafeteria on the fifth floor of the Edificio Moda.
Plaza Nuevo Centro Cafeteria:
Uneven access.
On the terrace, single-top tables without a crossbar, 71 cm high. At the bottom, 69 cm high, 80 cm wide and 37 cm deep. There is a passage width of at least 120 cm between the tables.
Inside, single-leg tables, 73 cm high. The bottom part is 71 cm high, 70 cm wide and 30 cm deep.
The bar is 116 cm high.
Cafeteria/restaurant in the Edificio Moda building: access without a gap. Entrance space with more than 120 cm wide free passage.
In the cafeteria, single-leg tables 76 cm high. At the bottom, 72 cm high, 60 cm wide and 35 cm deep.
Bar 114 cm high.
In the restaurant, four-legged tables without a crossbar, 76 cm high. The lower part is 68 cm high, 55 cm wide and 80 cm deep.
In both the cafeteria and the restaurant a circle with a diameter of 150 cm can be inscribed in aisles between tables. Clearance between tables of at least 80 cm in both areas.
Access to the Fashion and Home buildings from the upper and lower levels of the Plaza Nuevo Centro without any unevenness.
Access from Avenida Pio XII with no unevenness.
Inside the building, a four-step staircase 16 cm high with a 32 cm tread. Without risers and with a protective base on both sides.
No tactile-visual signs at the beginning and end of the staircase. With handrails on one side. Non-slip paving. Access to the Edificio Moda from Calle Menéndez Pidal without any unevenness. Inside, access to the first floor with a nine-rung staircase.
Access to the ground floor by means of a staircase with two sections of eleven steps each. Both staircases have steps without an opening and with a protective base on both sides. No tactile-visual signs at the beginning and end of the stairs. With handrails on one side. Non-slip paving.
Interior mobility:
The Corte Inglés Nuevo Centro is located in the CC Nuevo Centro. It consists of two interconnected buildings and a third pyramid-shaped building, located in the central esplanade of the Shopping Centre.
The Edificio Hogar has five floors, connected by two lifts and stairs. The Edificio Moda has seven floors, connected by three lifts and stairs. The Pirámide has two floors, connected by a lift and stairs.
The two buildings have a Customer Care service, located on the fifth floor in the Edificio Moda and on the third floor in the Edificio Hogar. There are informative signs with contrasting texts and pictograms.
On each floor, there are no unevennesses, no unmarked cantilevers. Non-slip, non-slip flooring. There are visual signs in the corridors delimiting routes. Homogeneous illumination. Products with direct lighting.
Both buildings have toilets on all floors, except for the ground floor. Itinerary without unevenness. Access without unevenness Men's and women's toilets marked with non-tactile, approved pictograms and with chromatic contrast, located at a height of 210 cm. Toilet door contrasted with the wall. Homogeneous illumination without timer. In the cafeteria, men's and women's toilets marked with non-tactile, non-approved pictograms and with chromatic contrast, located at a height of 165 cm.
The Fashion and Home buildings have two escalator modules each. In the Fashion Building they communicate the basement floors to the 5th floor, and in the Home Building the basement floors to the 3rd floor. They have tactile signs at the beginning and end of the stairs and contrasting bands on each step.
Two flush steps at the beginning and end and contrasting handrails. No light signals indicating the direction of ascent/descent. With alternative route by lift.
In the Edificio Hogar there is a mechanical descent ramp between the ground and basement floors, with contrasting handrails and tactile signs at the beginning and end. All non-mechanical stairs have steps 16 cm high and a 32 cm tread.
There may be stairs without handrails on the route. In the Edificio Moda, there is a general staircase between the Ground and Fifth floors, with two sections per floor of fifteen homogeneous steps each. Without an opening, with a protective base and with visual and tactile signs on each step.
With single handrail on one side, extended at intermediate landings but not in embarkation-disembarkation areas. Beginning and end of the staircase without tactile-visual signs. Non-slip and homogeneous flooring.
There are two lifts in the Edificio Hogar that communicate the basement floors to the 3rd floor, with contrasting buttons and high relief. In the Edificio Moda there are three lifts that communicate the basement floors to the 5th floor, with buttons in Braille and with high relief. All the lifts have no handrails.
They do not have acoustic signals that indicate the stop floor and the direction of travel. The floor in front of the door is not marked with a tactile-visual strip. They have an audible alarm signal and intercom. Restaurant, cafeteria, buffet: There is a cafeteria on the lower level of the Plaza Nuevo Centro and a restaurant/cafeteria on the fifth floor of the Edificio Moda.
Plaza Nuevo Centro Cafeteria: Uneven access. Eyebrow-free, non-slip, homogeneous flooring. Menu with contrasting texts in a large font. Bar preceded by a slight slope with touch bars on the floor. 116 cm high bar with direct lighting
Cafeteria/restaurant Edificio Moda: 114 cm high bar with direct lighting Menu with texts in medium font, with chromatic contrast. Cantilevered elements may exist on the route without signage.
- Business schedule
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 10:00 to 22:00
- Sunday: 11:00 to 21:00