Casino Cirsa València

Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 59 46015 València

TOURISTIC AREA: Palace of Congresses

It is the first and only 24-hour casino in Spain, as well as the only place in Valencia with an uninterrupted leisure and restaurant offer. His main activity is unequivocally the game and his vocation is leisure. They have gaming tables and slot machines with the latest trends. They bet on live music, comedy and private and corporate events that make the experience of their clients the most enjoyable and fun.

Nombre m2 Audit School Banquet Cocktail
Sala de Fiestas 227 230 120 160 300
Patio inglés 182 200
Sala VIP 99 100 36 56 110
Restaurante ONE VLC 124 150
Bar ONE 77 95


  • VTC discount: Entrada gratis


Avenida Cortes Valencianas, 59 46015 València

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